The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63282   Message #1027126
Posted By: Jeri
01-Oct-03 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Weirdest Movie
Subject: RE: BS: Weirdest Movie
Peter wrote: "Every once in awhile one runs across a movie that just makes you shake your head and go -- what possessed them? I am not talking about "Plan 9 From Outer Space" or "Glen or Glenda", but something that ought to have worked in some way, but is just, well, weird."

Most of 'em so far have been of the "Plan 9," or "Glen or Glenda" variety. A subject that was weird to begin with, and may never have worked in the sense that, if done differently, people would have said "Wow, what a great movie." There was never any hope for films like "Eraserhead" or "Naked Lunch."

David Lynch's "Dune," however, had potential. Well, maybe not Lynch's "Dune." Once it became known he was going to direct, it was a given that the "what the f...?!?" factor was going to be high.