The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62592   Message #1027215
Posted By: sian, west wales
01-Oct-03 - 10:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Time Again! (2003)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Time Again!
We luv ya, Trev. OK - you might not rate Transnational Treasure yet, but you'd certainly deserve "Local Curiosity".

Tell ya what, if you get my name you can deliver it person too! (specify preferred weekend sustanance: Chocolate? or beer?) If I get your name, I'll drop it off on the Family Farm trip. Although I just got one of those little blue envelopes in my Walkers Crisps so I could send you a two-for-one Chinese or Indian meal ...

Last of the big time spenders, me.
