The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62592   Message #1027242
Posted By: Blackcatter
01-Oct-03 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Time Again! (2003)
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Time Again!

I put in my palm top to check for the Secret Santa on Oct. 1 so that I'll be nice an early to sign up and now I see I'm almost late.

That's fine - my pm will be sent right after this, but one problem for me is that I rarely look through the BS threads and so missed this totally for a whole month of check Mudcat 9 out of every 10 days.

Maybe next year we can make it a semi-Permatread, or have a notice at the top of the whole page (I know, more work . . . )

Anyway, I'm in!
