The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12515   Message #102727
Posted By: Celtic-End Singer
06-Aug-99 - 01:00 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Flower of Scotland (Roy Williamson)
Subject: RE: Flower of Scotland
Cheers Mick, as one nationalist republican to another I hope and pray the six counties win their freedom soon. Hands across the water and all that.

By the way Stewart, Frank, I didn't bring up the football, someone else did, in answer to a question about the history of the song and a claim it was a football chant. I was trying to bring people a bit of knowledge they previously didn't have and were actively seeking. That's the whole idea of the thread! My point was relevant, about social populism and political protest being manifest in song. That is surely one of the enduring charms of a great deal of folk music and relevant to the discussion by placing it in it's societal context. What gives you the right to tell me wether I should teach lessons or not? I wasn't preaching, I was recounting a pertinent anecdote which several poeple who read this thread were motivated enough to praise. It didn't cost you anything! We are all entitled to a little free speech here (Just ask Big Mick if you don't believe me)Stop being so authoritarian.