The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5905   Message #1027339
Posted By: GUEST,Ray
01-Oct-03 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Songs about Molly Maguires
Subject: RE: Molly Maguires: Songs about?

If ever there was an episode of "revisionist history" it was the myths that surround the Molly Maguires, however they are generally recognized by historians as representing the "dawning" of organized labor in the U.S. The term "Molly Maguire" was used by the mine bosses to villify any miner who who fought back or spoke out against the discrimination and injustices of the day. Just the label "Molly Maguire" was enough to hang a man.   

The trumped-up or fabricated charges, the kangaroo courts run by the mining company, and the sadistic executions (short rope strangulations)created a public outrage which brought about changes in the way the coal companies treated the miners and led to the formation of miner's unions.

There are hundreds of books and articles about the Mollies that characterized them from sadistic terrorists to heroic martyrs. Much of what has been written is subjective, however you might want to read "Hard Coal Dockets" by Carbon County Judge John P. Lavelle who wrote:

"A private corporation initiated the investigation through a private detective agency. A private police force arrested the alleged defenders, and private attorneys for the coal companies prosecuted them. The state provided only the courtroom and the gallows."


You have a tough assignment. Perhaps you could share the results of your research with us and help sort the fact from fiction. I think you'll find that the miners were more victims that terrorists.

- Ray