The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63336   Message #1027403
Posted By: Mrrzy
01-Oct-03 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: Sweet Sunny South: Is 'Massa' PI?
Subject: Origins: Sweet Sunny South: Is 'Massa' PI?
This is about the song in the version by Charlie Poole and the North Carolina Ramblers, which isn't in the DT but a thread on that band has a link to a site with the words (I'll make a blicky when I have more time). There is one verse that goes Take me home to the place where my little ones sleep / AND OLE MASSA LIES BURIED NEARBY / O'er the graves of my loved ones I long for to weep / And among them to rest when I die... does that make it a song about an escaped slave longing for his old master? Is that ridiculous? I'm wondering mostly if this one should go in the bin with that lullaby, which is so lovely, but which is actually a lament by a slave who isn't allowed to be with her own baby, but only take care of her owner's. Thanks, all.