The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63094   Message #1027462
Posted By: CapriUni
01-Oct-03 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: After Isobel
Subject: RE: BS: After Isobel
From Mike the Knife -- Wow- Capri- you were listening to WFOS- the station run by the City of Chesapeake Public Schools- I did a little radio there many moons ago.

Like I said before the storm: we're practically neighbors! We should get together some time...

I for one am all for not having any more of these. Show of hands?

Well, I was going through serious IWS (Internet Withdrawal Syndrome) for a while, but I think, in the end, going without electricity for so long actually did some good. Going to bed when it got dark, and getting up when it got light really reset my diurnal clock, and I had fewer headaches in those 11 days than I've had in months. Also, my allergies were also greatly relieved (to my surprise) with the windows open all over the house instead of relying on the AC. It was character building.

But my character is nice and strong now, thank you very much, and I'm glad to be back wallowing in electric comfort. So you've got my vote for the Hurricane Cessation Program. Unfortunately, I don't think Mother Nature works by democracy...