The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12807   Message #102760
Posted By: Big Mick
06-Aug-99 - 06:04 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern - Round 5
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Round 5
Yep, keep 'em coming.......Vile black stuff for the house........AAAAAHHHHHH.........that is good stuff........Uh??.......What FAIR ONE? You know I can't resist any thing you want........Oh no, I'm not...........I am not going on that damn wall........You and what army?????........Now look FAIR ONE, I may have let you and Harp beat me in the jello pit, but not you two nor everyone else in this place is going to put me on that wall, get it???????......Cause I will not let....OOOPs.....NO, not your hands off me ape woman.........ssheeeeeeiiiiittttt......THUMP.......HEYY......GET ME OFF THIS FERBLICKTIKA WALL.........COME ON, FAIR ONE, TELL YOUR FURRY FRIEND TO GET ME DOWN!!!!!..........WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING AT, 'SPAW........COME ON FIELDING HELP ME OFF HERE......WHAT???........SO WHAT IF I SICCED HER ON YOU?.......I HAVE BEEN PUTTING UP FOR THIS SINCE 1972.....AWWW DAMN.......Yes, bbc, get 'em all a drink.......and a bunch of banana's for our "friend" here......C'mon guys, I have to get to the world from godless capitalism,.........shit, .........OK OK, but only if you let me off after............. I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night, alive as he could be, said I, "but Joe, you're ten years dead".......