The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60568   Message #1027637
Posted By: Naemanson
01-Oct-03 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: News From Guam
Subject: RE: News From Guam
Thank God it's October! No more 12 hour days. No more lying in bed worrying about the workload. No more arguments with the contractor... well, we still have to fight with him but at least the deadline pressure is gone.

Yesterday, October 1, I came into work late and left early! I went over to Gab Gab Beach to do some snorkeling but the surf was up and the water was murky so I just went swimming instead. I wore my dive mask anyway and swam in the confines of the swimming area. That's an area that looks like a swimming pool, blue green paint and three concrete walls, ladders in and out, etc. The fourth side is open to the ocean and is only marked off with a line of floats.

Just outside the floats are a set of concrete stairs leading down into the water. It's a handy place to get in from because you can sit on the steps, put on your fins, wash out the mask and do a liesurely push off into the water.

As I was leaving the water I paused about half way up the stairs and sat down to watch the day. It's been cloudy and rainy for the last week or so and it was pleasant to sit in the sun. Suddenly a large wave rolled in and washed me off the steps. I swam away from the rocks and waited for the larger waves to subside. Then I crawled out again. My mask was gone, washed off with me never to be seen again. I looked for it but the water was too murky to see it. Damn!

So, this afternoon I have to go find another. I think the dive shp on the base is having a sale. That would be handy.