The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12807   Message #102766
Posted By: Neil Lowe
06-Aug-99 - 07:25 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern - Round 5
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Round 5
Mick, would you care to introduce Joe Hill to my esteemed and much admired friends here at the Invisible Beat Generation Booth By The Window? Kerouac is a friendly fellow as long as you don't come between him and that plate of shuck beans he's wolfing down. And old Bill Lee here, well he looks fierce and don't doubt that he's armed to the teeth, but don't pay him no nevermind: it's a holdover from the "old days" when he lived in dreaded expectation the the cops would burst through the door any minute and bust him. He's past that now, but still I wouldn't want to cross him. And yes LEJ, the gun is loaded and the safety off, and truthfully it makes me a little nervous too but as a loyal patron of your fine establishment I would greatly appreciate it if you would let me vouch for him. So Mick, Joe would most definitely fit in here at our booth, if he was so inclined, but frankly, keeping the company of those long dead and others only 'virtually' here gets me right in my water. Makes me think about my own mortality and the manner in which I would like mistress Death and I to walk hand in hand from this tired earth when the time comes. bbc, am I forgiven for my past trangressions? Tomato juice and lemon wedges are wearing thin. Wild Turkey on the rocks, please, and I'm buying a round for my friends here, too......