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Thread #62981   Message #1027770
Posted By: Teribus
02-Oct-03 - 03:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Maze escape celebration - comment?
Subject: RE: BS: Maze escape celebration - comment?

In answer to your question:

"who would want to bomb the home of the Nobel Peace Prize, and The Oslo Accord?"

Al-Qaeda - they specifically mentioned that Norway was to be considered a target.


A number of points -

England does not have a government - The United Kingdom does, and has had since 1707.

NATO bases in Ireland? - are you refering to agreements between the Irish Government and the US that allow transit rights through Shannon Airport? Please provide a list of the NATO bases you refer to and where they are located. The Royal Navy had, repeat HAD, a base in Derry that had one specific role, it was used as the base for the Londonderry Squadron whose task was training ASW Officers and for submarine work-ups in the Clyde Exercise areas - It could only be realistically described as a NATO base in the event of war. Aldergrove Airport - unsuitable as an NATO base because it was also the main civilian airport serving the North of Ireland.

I would think that setting 24 car bombs to go off within a two hour period (one bomb every 6 minutes) in the heart of a major city during the hours of daylight would qualify as being indiscriminate.

The casualty and fatality statistics for Northern Ireland clearly indicate that Republican actions are responsible for the vast majority of those casualties and fatalities. Remember, they used to phone in and claim responsibility after each attack - I am so pleased to hear that those injured and killed were legitimate targets under the articles of war - that fact should be passed on to their children, relatives and loved ones, I am sure it will make them feel better.

As to understanding what it was like to live in Belfast during the seventies - I believe that the people of London, Manchester, Birmingham, Guildford, had a pretty good idea.

When you speak of the Republican movement it should be remembered that the Official IRA saw that there was no part for them to play in Northern Ireland - they rightly concluded that the british Government were effectively taking steps to redress the imbalances after taking over direct control and disbanding the B-Specials. Some within it's ranks thought otherwise - hence the formation of the Provisional IRA, INLA. This has recently been repeated once the Good Friday Agreement came into being - hard-liners within the ranks of the PIRA splintered into such factions as the Real IRA, Continuity IRA. Does the American Legal system regard the Omagh bombing as a legitimate attack according to the articles of war?

UK aggression - Larry give me just one name of a member of any paramilitary group in Northern Ireland who gave his life to save the life of a civilian. I can furnish you with quite a list from the ranks of AM's uniformed football thugs who did, and of others who continually faced that risk protecting the general population.

I am of the opinion that with most journalists, they have their stories written long before they leave their offices, I do not believe that you are/were any different - you went there to provide evidence to support either your point of view, or the point of view of those who sent you.