The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62981   Message #1028880
Posted By: Brendy
03-Oct-03 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: BS: Maze escape celebration - comment?
Subject: RE: BS: Maze escape celebration - comment?
... or let me put it another way.

Anybody following the news, nowadays, is getting bombarded with all sorts of reports about dirty dealings, and the supression of information.
Look at The Hutton Inquiry, for example.
Look at the recent CIA report coming out of America.

All of these investigations are spending YOUR tax money to get to the bottom of allegations about the spreading of misinformation, and subsequent cover-ups.

What in heaven makes you think that a place which was a home-based training ground for the British Army, wasn't shared with other members of the Alliance. They go to Norway to learn to Ski.
And they went to The north of Ireland to learn 'counter-terrorism' techniques.

That would seem normal practice in any other 'theatre' (God... they described that properly, anyway). What's the problem with accepting (given everything else that has been uncovered) the fact that certain other N.A.T.O. member states had their wee oar in there too?
After all, it's no skin off your nose what the other nations do. You certainly dont have to defend anything here.

I saw the B52s come into Shannon during Bush the Elder's reign, and thousands protested this time around as well.
When the talk was about extending the runway at Knock "to accommodate 747's", everybody sat up and took notice.
Knock? 747's?

Yeah right!
