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Thread #63396   Message #1028945
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
03-Oct-03 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Windows XP
Subject: Tech: Windows XP
I am currently using Windows 98, second edition. I've had my share of problems with the software, but they're familiar problems by now, and I'm used to getting around them. A week ago, I bought Windows XP, and before I installed it I bought a "Dummies" book for it. The book really upset me, because it kept going on about how hard it is to use, and just stopped short of recommending that you not use it if you don't have to. That stopped me dead in my tracks. I'm not all that confident about computers to begin with. So, I've asked a couple of people who have XP if they found it hard to use. I've gotten two answers... one, an enthusiastic recommendation, saying it's way easier to use than the earlier Windows, and the other saying they liked it but it didn't work well on their computer..

So, I'm wondering if anyone else has windows XP, and what your experience has been..

Any imput would be appreciated..
