The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2291   Message #10290
Posted By: Bary Finn
12-Aug-97 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: Suggestions for Rise Up Singing II
Subject: RE: Suggestions for Rise Up Singing II
Steve, don't worry you're not being harsh, this is a construction site & positive things are happening. Joe, I never said it's the book, I did say it's the shooter & not the gun. It's the way alot of people put the book to use. RUS is a cash cow & if it's rebirth is to cause the milk & honey to flow then the reciepents should bare some responsibilty for it's direction or at least shed some awareness on the subject that their cashing in on. I used to travel often in my younger days & did go to quite a bit of singing & music sessions. If books were brought they were mostly used as a reference, not 1 book like in a 2nd grade class but a variety of song books & they'd share those. The last sessions I've been to were in San Fancisco & Boston. Boston it's all according to the bible & they'll never attract outsiders, visitors or those who desire more than the odd 50 they sing. In S.F. I'm told it's been abandoned to the RUS bible thumpers (I thought it was just a local problem at first). These are both large metro areas that are known for their support of folk music. I remember yrs ago calling people in different parts far off to find out where & when some singing would be & people passing through would be asking the same, it seems as if the thrill is gone, and it's not just these 2 areas. I don't mind changing my seat so I don't disturb someone who's sleeping but I do mind being asked to sing in a way I don't, because it's not what their used to or it's being done in a way that's not according to the Act. I don't get to sing much anymore (except at Irish sessions), & if I do get a chance to travel again I would like to visit some of these sessions, to remind me of begone days that hopefully are as much fun as they once were. Barry