The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63362   Message #1029128
Posted By: GUEST,Sibelius
03-Oct-03 - 04:12 PM
Thread Name: Guitars on flights
Subject: RE: Guitars in planes
I took a Manson dreadnought on a year-long RTW trip a few years back, using three or four different airlines over about 15 separate flights. It was in a Hiscox case, which is better than your average 'hard' case but not up to the standards of a Calton. The guitar never seemed to suffer.

On the first few flights I did try to take it on board with me, and I think that's usually the best bet. One piece of advice I was given was to go up to the departure gate very late, because by then the hold has been closed, and they have no choice but to let you and guitar on the plane. I don't recall ever being refused. On bigger planes, the overhead luggage bins always seemed to be roomy enough to take the guitar. If you've got no flight case, you could insist on taking it on board with you precisely for that reason - it clearly wouldn't be safe in the hold.

On the later flights I just checked it in with the luggage. The only problem I had was at LAX luggage collection, where my pack re-appeared but no guitar. An overworked and clearly exasperated attendant told me that guitars were classed as fragile (good so far!) and came in through a separate collection point. Where was that, then? "Over there!" she said, opening both arms out straight and pointing in completely opposite directions. Thanks.

It was a crap guitar, by the way. About as subtle as a concrete mixer; loud and brash so it worked for busking but not a lot else. Ooops thread creep!