The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63409   Message #1029564
Posted By: Bat Goddess
04-Oct-03 - 11:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: How to give a cat a pill
Subject: RE: BS: How to give a cat a pill
Back when Foolish (neutered male cat) was on dog contraceptives (uh huh) for raging hormonal imbalance, I'd smash up the little blue pill and put it in yoghurt and he'd lick up every bit and ask for more.

Now (twenty-five years later) Mortimer, my diabetic cat, needs a half tab of glipizide first thing in the morning -- before either of us is awake -- so he can have his measured breakfast and insulin shot in a half an hour. And within a week of starting this last year, I can now pop the pill into his mouth while petting him and he doesn't notice. Well, that's a lie. I pop it right down his throat and as long as I get it most of the way down, he doesn't spit it out again. And the next morning we do it again, despite his clenched jaws. (So I hold him a little tighter and use the same finger to push the pill down his throat that I use to suggest he open his mouth.) Takes just seconds and I'm sure he doesn't taste it, but he occasionally insists on playing games and wants to go out and/or have his breakfast without the pill.

He comes up on the bed for the insulin shot and doesn't seem to notice when he gets it. Asks for his freeze-dried shrimp afterwards, though.
