The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63287   Message #1029762
Posted By: Joybell
04-Oct-03 - 08:48 PM
Thread Name: Titless Wonder
Subject: RE: Titless Wonder
Thanks Mickey. Well yes there are mistakes. Isn't it great we don't have to worry about willies though. Stay away from Oprah unless she pays you I reckon. I don't know about cancers that don't need treatment. I cleaned out a lot of bedside tables, of people who had died, that had books about curing your cancer by all sorts of unconventional methods. I reckon you do what you need to do in the way of research - checking the credentials of the persons submitting the studies, you gather your friends around you, and then you trust your instincts. The other ideal is to find a doctor you trust - I think that's harder there -- In Australia we still have a good health system that we can all afford. If you are armed with knowledge I think your chances are better.
Anyway Queens are all powerful and very wise.