The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63499   Message #1031726
Posted By: GutBucketeer
08-Oct-03 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: Instrument Making Wkshp at 2003 Getaway
Subject: Inst. Making Wkshp 2003 FSGW Getaway
I've emailed the Getaway Registar asking that this be sent to all registered 2003 FSGW Getaway. In the meantime, and for those that may not be pre-registering, I need to have a rough idea of possible attendance and interest in the workshop to plan for supplies, tools, copies, etc. If interested could you post a reply in the thread, PM, or email me at jabunch @ umich . edu (remove blanks). Thanks:

Here is what I plan on doing:

• To start I'll explain some of the types of home made instruments that I and anyone else has, and show how they sound etc. Everyone is encouraged to bring anything that they have already made. I'll try to go over different types, and the basic components of home made instruments.
• Then I hope to have everyone in attendance make at least one simple and quick instrument that can really be played (no rubber band shoe boxes). Candidates are:

o kazoos: I have examples of kazoos made out of a pill bottle, coke can, and bamboo.
    I will encourage experimentation, but probably focus on making bamboo kazoos.
o Ocarinas:
o Bobby pin kalimbas
o Bamboo Slide Whistle
o Stick Dulcimer (the most ambitous)
o Tin-can fiddle (one or two strings)
o Plastic jug fretless banjo

• I'll provide and go over instructions for one or two of them. Then we will then break into groups and go out on the porch and work on building the ones I explained that can be completed within the time slot.

I will also make available the instructions and hopefully the supplies for other more complicated instruments that can be worked on throughout the weekend. These include:

o Tin can banjos
o A plastic basin Ukulele
o Kalimbas from rake tynes
o Bamboo or conduit penny whistles
o Bamboo pan pipes
o Washbasin or tin can kora

Since the workshop requires a certain amount of supplies and tools, I am trying to get a rough estimate of the attendance and interest (no, you don't have to make a decision now, all will be welcome).

Could you please email me at if you think you are anyone in your family may participate in the instrument building workshop? Please include:

o The number of kids that might participate.
o The number of adults that might participate/help.
o Which of the quick and simple instruments that you are most interested in making.

Any other suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Jim Bunch
Aka JAB or Gutbucketeer.