The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12807   Message #103223
Posted By: Neil Lowe
08-Aug-99 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern - Round 5
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Round 5
LEJ, I don't normally get clouded up meself but that last italicized passage.....gets you right where you live...or die. Damn, the last thing you need around here is a weepy drunk, wouldn't you think...what with the ghosts, jello pit, velcro wall (and concomitant activities all of dubious redeeming social value, but fun nevertheless)... and especially when you go mentioning the likes of absinthe...when people say your bar is well stocked, they really mean well stocked...hope you don't advertise that too loudly, though...probably wouldn't sit well with the boys down at the BATF - they're probably looking for just one more excuse so they can pull the license on this place anyway, as if all the above reasons weren't enough. I don't have words (for once) to express my gratitude at your offer ...I am honored and accept your gift with deep and humble reverence. Makes me feel a little guilty too because now I feel obligated to settle my bar bill. Could I pay in magic mushrooms? I'll have be a little surreptitious around Burroughs with this absinthe, though - he'd want a drop or two and it wouldn't mix well with the other medications he's the way, he says the cannon is a nice touch and where'd you get it? He'd like one for himself. bbc, there's something to be said for getting drunk before noon, and seems as though there is a traditional (fiddle?) tune to bolster my argument, called "Whiskey Before Breakfast." I appreciate your concern all the same....maybe next time I'll take you up on the coffee first, hold the roll and croissant, thank you. The tomato juice sounds good, with a dose of pantothentic acid on the side...supposed to counteract the deleterious effects of alcohol, or so I'm told... And I poked that jelly donut because I didn't like the expletive it hurled at me. If the donuts don't have anything nice to say at that time of the morning, they shouldn't say anything at all. The mother ship is waiting for me for the road and then I'll be gone, if I'm not too far gone already.