The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63447   Message #1032700
Posted By: GUEST
09-Oct-03 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: U.S. Law Banning Religous Mail
Subject: RE: BS: U.S. Law Banning Religous Mail
So Mickey191 posts sensationalized information that is obviously from a right wing fundie point of view, provides no links to anything to provide the background to the story, and expects...what exactly, in terms of a response from the peanut gallery?

Why does Mickey191 NEED katlaughing to rescue her from us dastardly posters who DARED to disagree with Mickey191's opinions? Especially the opinions she expressed regarding one of her fave Fox commentator/right wing columnist, and the lame way she put forth this non-newsworthy item for discussion?

What bullshit...