The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63531   Message #1032853
Posted By: LadyJean
09-Oct-03 - 11:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Texas Republican Party Platform
Subject: RE: BS: Texas Republican Party Platform
When I went on the March for Women's Equality Women's Lives, in 1989, I left with the maternal admonition, "Try not to get shot!" Mother was screamingly pro choice, as only a woman who went through menopause at 52 can be. But she didn't want me marching around Washington with a bunch of radicals, possibly putting myself in danger from anti abortion zealots.
I came home the fairest of all fair haired girls, because Elsie Hillman, chair of the Republican party in Western Pennsylvania had been on the march too. (I didn't meet her, you understand, there were 500,000 of us in D.C. that day. But she was there.) Mom was a Republican too. That's how recently there were reasonable people in the Republican Party.

(The great marvel of that march, for me, was discovering that Judy Collins really sounds like Judy Collins, even over a lousy p.a. system. I had always thought that magnificent voice was done with mirrors or something. But it's real!)