The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63508   Message #1032910
Posted By: sledge
10-Oct-03 - 02:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tips On Learning (to be) English
Subject: RE: BS: Tips On Learning (to be) English
I was born and raised in Banbury, just 20 Miles down the road from Oxford, the only reason I ever went there was for gigs at the Appollo theatre, this was years before the Mill arts Centre in Banbury really got going. If anything kept me from going on a more regular basis it was the students who I then percieved as noisy and arrogant (sorry Morty). But as I was a bit of a country bumpkin my exposure to them was a bit of a shock, now that I've travelled a bit I don't give it a seconds thought, their behaviour was no better or worse on a night out than many other cities in the UK.

Ladyjean, are you saying that restaurant bookings are never messed up in the USA, I'm sure there are also bars in many US cities that it might be best to avoid. Pretty feeble basis on which to run us down.

Allan, great that you are moving over, lots to see and do, Hope you have a blast.

