The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63508   Message #1033024
Posted By: greg stephens
10-Oct-03 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tips On Learning (to be) English
Subject: RE: BS: Tips On Learning (to be) English
This don is a bit suspicious,lady jean. Someone might be having you on. I'm familiar with quite a few of the colleges at this venerable seat of learning, and the College of Medieval and Renaissance Studies is not one I've ever been aware of. Mind you, there are one or two iffy establishments down the Cowley Road catering for foreign students, it might conceivably be one of those.
   The Eagle and Child (Bird and Baby), as McGrath points out, is unlikely to be wildly anti-American. In fact I have drunk in there with Americans myself, and experienced no difficulty whatever. And Tolkien and CS Lewis were sat there in the corner, pipes, Harris tweed jackets with leather patches, reading out their latest extracts from Lord of the Rings and the Narnia books, and a good time was had by all. Mind you, I'm going back a bit now.
   As for the Trout, well you could be right. Might have been full of golden-haired boys, straw-boatered and blazered, caressing their teddy bears lasciviously. Might not have been any space for American diners.