The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61587   Message #1033042
Posted By: GUEST
10-Oct-03 - 08:26 AM
Thread Name: Writing about people's private lives?
Subject: RE: Writing about people's private lives?
I didn't assume anything Marion, I asked you two specific questions I believe goes to the heart of the matter here which were:

1. Have you yourself ever been pregnant?


2. Are you yourself pro-life?

If you answer yes to both, or no to the first and yes to the second, then you've written an exploitative and manipulative song. If you answer yes to the first, but no to second, I'd be very puzzled as to why the judgmental crack "Although many people would opt for an abortion given this news, they decided as Christians and pro-lifers to continue with the pregnancy." was necessary, because it is certainly off-putting to many.

You began this thread stating that you had written a song you feared might offend the people who inspired it. I am not making assumptions when I question your motives for not revealing the pro-life angle you put on the story when you introduced us to the song. I am merely questioning your motives.

Looks as though you were really more interested in getting agreement and praise than critical feedback. Your choice as a writer of course, but it doesn't do much for the integrity of your writing at the end of the day.

I have never meant to offend you Marion, and it is only honest feedback that I have given. However, you are apparently offended because I didn't join the chorus praising you. Again, your choice.

Best of luck to you.