The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63520   Message #1033657
Posted By: Rapparee
11-Oct-03 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: A house! A house!
Subject: RE: BS: A house! A house!
I am a librarian. My wife is a librarian. We are both on a twelve-step program to help us overcome our addiction to printed paper. That is why we are buying this house -- to overcome our addiction to paper printed with numbers and portraits of famous, but dead, Americans like Grant, Washington, Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson.

We have books. LOTS of books. New books, old books, common books, scarce books. SF, mysteries, history, medicine, reference, humor, art, quilting, Irish stuff, music, computeres, politics, law, pottery, travel, and other things expressing the eclecticism of our lives and interests. We are having more bookshelves built before we move it. One entire wall of the lower level will be bookshelves -- about 10 cases of 36 inch long shelves, probably eight to ten shelves per case -- and if you're not counting, that's about 300 feet (100 yards, 91.44 meters, 9.144 x 10^11 angstroms, 18.18181818 rods, 9.904243705224361 x 10^-15 light years [I found this neat converter]) of new shelving. It probably won't be enough.