The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63595   Message #1033658
Posted By: Mickey191
11-Oct-03 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fighting fair in arguments
Subject: RE: BS: Fighting fair in arguments
I've never understood why some people must always be proven right, even after ten people have proven them wrong. They leave with their mind closed and content in their "rightness."

Another angle
I recently was proven wrong on an inconsequential personal matter. I simply misremembered, I apologized twice, realizing there was no question about it-I was wrong. I put the matter to rest. My friend went back four months and proved I was wrong with my own email. Okay-I apologized a third time. The need to be right is so strong in this person's make-up that my three sorrys were not enough. After receiving yet another email I'd had enough. I wrote: from now on this is a given, you were always, you are, and you always will be "Right." Now can we put this to rest?

Have not heard a word in a month. I'm sorry the friendship is over--but one can only take so much BS in one's life. In every other aspect we were compatible and great friends. I don't know what the heck I could have done to appease her. Tis a shame.