The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63595   Message #1033916
Posted By: Joybell
11-Oct-03 - 09:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fighting fair in arguments
Subject: RE: BS: Fighting fair in arguments
Lots of good advice here. Especially for a relative newcomer. The tendency to jump right in without studying the discussion is a common problem I'm sure. I am already cringing when I think of it. I really enjoy The Trickster in his/her playful and clever mode -- not nasty mode. The tendency to see funny aspects of even serious issues always sidetracks me as I'm sure it does many of my new friends here. Well intentioned clever humour,is a good ingredient in an argument I think and it's already very obvious in this thread.
Extra stars and a koala stamp to a great mind that is also funny I say.