The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63618   Message #1034495
Posted By: Helen
13-Oct-03 - 07:17 AM
Thread Name: dyslexia jokes offensive?
Subject: RE: dyslexia jokes offensive?
I am dyslexic and I don't find your jokes funny for two reasons. The first is that they are not very funny. I've heard better.

The second is that they have nothing to do with dyslexia, as far as I know. I agree with almost all that Mark said (thanks Dr Mark) except to add that dyslexia can present in different forms in different people and I am one of the people who does experience the appearance of reversal of some letters and numbers, and also switching around of syllables or letters within syllables.

For example 2 & 5 have always been a problem for me, especially when handwritten or when the font is a bit fancy because if you mirror reverse "2" vertically but not horizontally, i.e. hold a mirror to the top of the number, then it looks a lot like a 5 (if you disregard the straight bit on the left of the 5). Consciously this is not a problem, but when I am reading quickly, and especially if I am thinking on my feet, e.g. reading aloud or transcribing a document, then I tend to read/type it back as the wrong number.

There are some words which I always have to stop and think about before I say them because I reverse the syllables. If I am typing (which I do a lot on Mudcat) then I am often backtracking and correcting the words which my brain spits out with letters or syllables in the wrong order.

e.g. one of my most common typing mistakes is "becasue" instead of "because"

The other problem with typing is that I touch type and I have had to consciously force my hands to remember which one is left and which one is right because it matters which order I press the keys and often if I get closer to automatic pilot with typing that's when I start making more mistakes.

Your two jokes rely on two different words being misinterpreted, but as far as I know these are unlikely to be mistaken by dyslexics.

"smell" would not be mistaken for "spell", "comedian" would not be mistaken for "chameleon". They are misheard rather than mispelt.

The commonly switched around letters are b, d, p, q, & g. If you don't get the reason why, find a mirror and hold it to the side or above or below each letter and see what it looks like in the mirror.

We have had an excellent thread on dyslexia here at Mudcat if you want to look it up. There were lots of interesting facts and opinions expressed. I didn't find it offensive when soemone (correct that: someone) told the joke about the atheist dyslexic who didn't believe there is a dog, or the dyslexic who believed in Satan and not Santa. They are funny in a gentle, dyslexic kind of way.

There was also a contribution to the thread by someone who was being offensive and who then said that we were overreacting to his/her "humour".

So, thank you for asking your question, clansfolk, because it shows that you care about not offending people. I sincerely appreciate your question.
