The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63618   Message #1034592
Posted By: Rapparee
13-Oct-03 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: dyslexia jokes offensive?
Subject: RE: dyslexia jokes offensive?
If mistyping is dyslexic, then I mush be too. I'm typing this without correcting it, and it really takes some effort of will not do make the kcorrections I feel thould be made.

I don't think that I'm dilexic, but that I've always felt that my mind was going too fast for my finger to catch up.

I do have another problem, however (I'm correcting now). Some years back I fell while ice skating and suffered not only a concussion, but a paralysis of some of the muscles (upper left oblique, the doctor said) in my left eye. As a result, when I get tired level things like the lines herein t
                  d to run horizontal and d
                                                p off to the right