The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12898   Message #103521
Posted By: bbelle
09-Aug-99 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: harpgirl & moonchild
Subject: Friends
I refused to add a "BS" to this thread because it certainly is not! Seems like this is the summer for making new friends. Last fall, harpgirl and I realized were both resided in the same town, Tallahassee, FL, and with one thing and another, never could find the time to "get together." After the recent bit of unpleasantness, and some personal messages back and forth, we found the time to "meet" a few weeks ago, and it was a wonderful experience. It was like we already knew each other and there was no awkwardness. We talked a lot and did a bit of music, but mostly talked.

This past weekend, we went camping, with a few other of her friends. We did a goodly amount of talking and picking and singing both! I've never met another woman whose voice melded with mine so perfectly in harmony that it makes that spot in the top of your head tingle (you know what I mean ... that spot that tingles when that high note comes out clear as a bell, or when the harmony is so close as to be one voice). It was awesome.

She told me she was hearty ... and she doth not lie! It's been a while since I camped, and I've always been petrified of snakes, but she (and her son) made it easy for me, and I didn't look like such a greenhorn. If yer goin campin where thar's bears, harpgirl is the person to have along!

I'm sure many of you, as do I, know that as one gets older, one doesn't make lasting friendships like we used to. Music is a wonderful palette from which to paint a friendship. I hope more of you have an opportunity to meet in person.

Now I'm really, really looking forward to the FSGW Getaway in October, 'cause I'm going to meet more of the people with whom I've had "conversations" over the past couple of years ... moonchild