The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12900   Message #103549
Posted By: katlaughing
09-Aug-99 - 10:20 PM
Thread Name: Confused of Beccles, UK
Subject: RE: Confused of Beccles, UK
Well, Bev, here's what I know, which isn't much:

Rick Fielding & Heather "Duckboots" - Toronto, he does the radio program "Acoustic Workshop", on Monday nights on CIUT; there are several threads about it.

Catspaw49 & Karen - Bremen, Ohio - tons of threads on HIM! But, please don't bring any of the ones up about his near-death hospital stay and recovery from this Spring! It would scare the bejaysus out of us!

My housemate/lifemate/hoosband is Roger, but he doesn't post on here.

There are several threads which will tell you a lot more about everyone, such as (these are their exact names, so you can go to the Forum Search and pull each one up for a good read):

What does a mudcatter do?
How Old is a Mudcatter?
Best/Worst Job List
Music Therapy
Favorite Flowers and yard decor
Brief Mudcat Biographies
BS-What was yout high school/UK equivalent?

And, I know there is one about where we all live, I think it is "Where in the world" or somesuch.
