The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12908   Message #103651
Posted By: bbc
10-Aug-99 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern - Round 6
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Round 6
Congratulations on a successful establishment, Lonesome! I think the Mudcat Tavern will have a special place in Mudcat lore. And it's a pleasure to be working with you! Thanks for the lift, alison. You know, boss, when I clicked my heels together, I think I got the last cockroach! Good riddance to that!!! Hey, Roger, good deal on the new truck! Should make you feel a little safer on the roads. And don't worry about those deep thoughts. As long as you keep up deliveries & I wipe the tables & bring drinks, we can let the other guys think & dream. There's a worthy place for us, too.

Well, good morning! Roger was too modest to mention it, but he brought us a great new toy--a plexiglass coffee express machine. It grinds, mixes, & delivers your fresh-brew, expresso, cappacino, latte *AND* tells your fortune, to boot! Step right up & give 'er a try! Some of those fortunes get a little more interesting if you add a few words at the end. Catch my drift? No special pastries today, but I do have some of those frozen waffles in the back, if you're hungry. How can I help you?