The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63710   Message #1037136
Posted By: Blowzabella
16-Oct-03 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: Acoustic vs. Electric
Subject: RE: BS: Acoustic vs. Electric
I don't think amplification is a necessary evil at all - I don't think it is necessary at all!

I have heard musicians argue that it is necessary 'for balance'. That seemes, to me, to be more of a comment on their musicianship than anything else. Take my (favourite) example - and I own up, that I am biased here. The New Scorpion band is a five piece group of multi-instrumentalists, who perform completely acoustically, including sensitive vocals with complex harmonies, with a range of instruments, from fiddles, whistles, pipes, trombones, bassoons, euphoniums, guitars, drums and portative organ! No false 'balance' required - they do this themselves. They can do this because they are consumate professionals.

No - I don't like amplified music - I know that some venues require it, but then I wouldn't be in those venues. In a quiet venue, where the music is th eobject and not just the wallpaper, i appreciate true musicianship.