The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63519   Message #1037318
Posted By: Bat Goddess
17-Oct-03 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Goofy Hints 2003
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Goofy Hints 2003
Oy -- Jeri DOES have a weath of insider info, since she's had to put up with living here at the Nottingham Fawlty Towers several times over the years.

Ayuh -- I'm a tea rather than coffee drinker mostly, but I'm one of those odd ducks who doesn't require brown stuff in cups in order to get the day started. My favorites include Lapsang Souchong -- I like my tea AND my scotch smoky -- and jasmine. And that Russian orange and spice tea.

Let's see, what else haven't I told you about? Have I told about 35 years worth of gravestone rubbings on the walls or the collection of rubberstamps and marking devices (and printing paraphernalia) cluttering every flat surface (that isn't already covered by books and papers and CDs and LPs and stuff)?
