The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63520   Message #1037353
Posted By: Rapparee
17-Oct-03 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: A house! A house!
Subject: RE: BS: A house! A house!
We realize and accept that we're going to have to pay for some things -- after all, NO house is perfect when you move it. Fortunately, we're in a position to be able to have a lot of the problems corrected before we move in.

Monday the roof inspector arrives, and I expect that we'll be told that we'll need a new roof in a just a couple of years. The plumber also comes Monday to inspect, and I don't know what that will result in.

The electrical inspection yesterday was disasterous, with so much "Joe Homeowner" things done that the electrician was required by law to disconnect some circuits because they were too hazardous to leave connected. Other electrical stuff is fine.

The AC will also have to be replaced, I'm sure.

Well, I'd rather know beforehand than too late. And I'm learning in what esteem Joe Homeowner's work is held by professionals.