The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12908   Message #103764
Posted By: MMario
10-Aug-99 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern - Round 6
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Round 6
I'd do anything, for you, dear, anything, for you mean...
ooops! sorry, wrong song!

Here's your deluxe frozen mocha capachino waffle sandwich, bbc! *garnished with just a wee teensy bit of brandied whip cream (on the side)*

I met a whale out walking, he was fat and full of fun
And the two of us got talking about the yarn that Jonah spun
He said he'd never heard it, so I told it to him thin(then)
He smiled and said politely as he waved his other fin

Oh swim out, O'Grady, you take me for a flat?
I've a great big swallow but I'd never swallow that!
Believe me, Mr. Jonah was conversing through his hat
So Swim out, O'Grady, swim out!