The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63720   Message #1037644
Posted By: a gud ole bwoy
18-Oct-03 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: folk clubs
Subject: RE: folk clubs
Me und my ole gell was down there in August. We went to Chichester Folk Club at The Gribble in Oving on the Tuesdy, The Broadside at The Old House At Home in Milton, Portsmouth, on the Wensdy und The Prince Consort at Netley Abbey near Southampton on the Fridy. Now considerin that they probably couldn't understand half of wot I was a singin they was very friendly und most welcomin. Mind you if yer wants a seat in the three and a tanners yer better git there nice und early, und if yer want a pint at The Gribble yer better git there three weeks early cos there's allwus a gret lung cue at the bar. That bit above about the Southern Counties Folk Federation is well worth looking into.Git yerself a Folk on Tap, tells yu all yer wants tu know und it's a good read un all. Uss i've telled yer we was there in August und I got one then und i'm just about finished readin it und it's all done on that fancy shineny paper. So git along tu Southern Counties Folk it's a gud un.