The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63694   Message #1038009
Posted By: mack/misophist
19-Oct-03 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Explaining the 'right-wing power grab'
Subject: RE: BS: Explaining the 'right-wing power grab'
Between 1915 and 1930, more or less, the US went through something similar to what we're seeing today. Before this, the churches were almost synonomous with American thought and saw no real need for political influence. As they saw their influence ebbing, they sought out congressmen and legislators to get laws passed that represented their views. A host of 'red light abatement' laws sprang up. Marriage licenses were instituted. Adultry, cohabitation, and such became crimes. instead of sins. Alcohol was outlawed, and later marijuanna and cocaine. Opium was outlawed. And the thousand thousand 'Sunday blue laws' that plague the south were enacted. Something similar is happening today. The difference is that the most effective portion of the religious right is the portion that has forsworn honor and honesty for the sake of getting their own way ('Be thou cunning as serpents' is the rational). They've had years of practice and experience within the religious community and now they're taking that expertise into the political arena. Don't expect them to advertize their agendas, they've learned not to do that. Two things many of the members have in common, though, are the establishment of a theocracy and the institution of 'biblical law'. Think about it.

Biblical law, for those who have never seen the term before, would make adultry, incest, abortion, and virtually all sexual offenses into capital crimes. Fathers would have the right to execute unfilial children. Homosexuality would carry the death penalty. Atheism and paganism would be crimes. Jews would probably be tolerated, but maybe not. Non JudeoChristian religions would be outlawed.