The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62211   Message #1038202
Posted By: Marion
20-Oct-03 - 02:53 AM
Thread Name: Marion's busking tour
Subject: RE: BS: Marion's busking tour
Katlaughing... you love BlueJay equally to what exactly?

Guest Me, I guess you're the guy I met on the subway a few months ago, eh? Glad to see you on Mudcat. I hope you're having a good year. I was interested to learn from you that SOCAN fees are behind the price the buskers pay and the limitation on stations. I was wondering about what you said about SOCAN not allowing buskers to submit playlists and collect royalties. Have you, or someone you know, attempted this? I don't know how SOCAN would justify collecting the fees but not accepting the claims related to a given venue.

All: I'm at the home of Deckman and Bride Judy, which is just like heaven. Deckman and I have been swapping songs all weekend, and today people gathered for a hootenanny. I met the notorious Don Firth and avoided getting him going on politics, as I had been advised. Reggie Miles can't be adequately described in words, so I'll just mention that he let me try out his musical saw. Stewie and I did some Irish fiddling together accompanied by Mike N. on guitar. I met several other Seattleniks, and one new friend says she will send me letters from her family history for me to write about. Glorious evening; good food; distributed tapes and flowcharts; and we sang till the cops came by to discuss a noise complaint. The only needed to make the day perfect would be for the Nelsons' nervous Finnish-speaking cat to let me hold her. Tomorrow it's on to Portland, and to a song circle with Genie.

There were some questions that Deckman asked me before my arrival that I thought I should answer here for anyone who may be wondering:

I am travelling alone and by bus. I don't have a picture posted that you can consult, but I'm an easy person to pick out of a lineup since I am carrying a fiddle and guitar. I love cats, dogs, and whatever other animals you may have domesticated. I'm not fussy about sleeping arrangements, and it's very unlikely that I'm too tall for your couch.

I am fussy about food - I am a strict vegetarian, so no fishies, birdies, or invertebraties. However, any rumours you may have heard about me being vegan are temporarily untrue (so stop scaring people, Rick!) I'm also fussy about smoke - I don't go to pubs etc. that allow smoking.

Take care, Marion (Everett, Washington)