The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12877   Message #103842
Posted By: Barbara Shaw
10-Aug-99 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: White Van Man
Subject: RE: White Van Man
They say your true personality comes out when you're behind the steering wheel. Check out whether you sit upright and alert or slumped apathetically over the wheel, drive aggressively or follow the rules and the signs, notice the things you pass or arrive at the destination by surprise!

I don't know about those SUV/pickup truck generalizations. We went from a Bronco to a Ford pickup, and don't intimidate too many people. And my last car was a small red thing, altho that is now driven by my teenage son, and we all KNOW how they drive...

Around Connecticut, we complain about the "crazy Rhode Island drivers who must have gotten their license by mail-order." When I lived in Colorado, we used to bash the Texans who "owned the roads." Maybe it's always the other guy.