The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63784   Message #1038766
Posted By: JedMarum
21-Oct-03 - 01:01 AM
Thread Name: Fishing on Ebay & other Musical Notions
Subject: Fishing on Ebay & other Musical Notions
Today the Ebay prompt asked me, "What are you looking for?" So I typed in my answer, "I ask myself the same question!" and then I hopefully awaited Ebay's answer. But when the response came, I was told, "0 items found," and "Try these search alternatives..." well I knew I had simply tossed my line into the wrong creek, again.

I always seem to insist on fishing where the fish aren't. Ya know? Like I know there are no fish there, but it's where I want to find them, so I toss in my line. And then I'm pissed off when I come up empty handed.

Go figure!

{this IS a music thread}