The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63710   Message #1039357
Posted By: NicoleC
21-Oct-03 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: Acoustic vs. Electric
Subject: RE: Acoustic vs. Electric
ttr -

This'll help snap you out of it. There may have been no noise pollution, but there was also:

Rampant disease including the plague
"Medicine" in Europe mostly consisted of making you worse in vile ways
If you lived to 18, you were one of the lucky ones
If you lived to 40, you were quite old
No sanitation to speak of -- the smell!
No hygiene to speak of -- the smell!
"Nutrition" meant getting enough to eat, and unless you were one of the few rich folks, that was pretty questionable
"War" meant killing and plundering as many civilians as possible in between rare pitched battles
No 5 day/8 hour work week
Potted meat and salted fish

No Bach -- ah, the barbarism!