The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63784   Message #1039619
Posted By: JedMarum
22-Oct-03 - 09:22 AM
Thread Name: Fishing on Ebay & other Musical Notions
Subject: RE: Fishing on Ebay & other Musical Notions
LOL, Amos.

I really used to fish along one part of a lake near my house that wasn't too active for the fish. I knew there were better fishing spots, but I didn't want to bother with a boat or drive miles out of the way. So I fished the low productive area because I just enjoyed being there! Once in a while, I'd kick myself for wasting my time, but most of the time, I just enjoyed the experience ... and I caught the odd keeper, now and again.

Now-a-days I work the Celtic or Folk music venues. The folkies think I'm too trad, and occasoinally the Celtic folks think I'm too folky (not often, though - most Celtic venues like the mix). I know there's bigger bucks to be made elsewhere in the music world, and even things I could do make 'em. Sometimes I berate myself for not 'dropping my line in a more productive stream' (it's been a challenging year) but then I ask myself; "What are you looking for?"

I love what I'm doing. I just gotta catch a few more fish!