The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12908   Message #103966
Posted By: MMario
11-Aug-99 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern - Round 6
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Round 6
Who needs help? You dare to ask that HERE?
There's enough here to keep a psych... Oh, you meant.....*never mind*

Cold caffiene, hot caffiene, solid or fluid, with or without carbonation. Caffiene, it's a food group!

now, what WAS that parting song I wanted to learn? *mumble*

Silently, silently, see the leaves falling
Overhead as they fly, hear the geese calling
Summer is past, and the warmth ebbs away
As light leaves the sky, at the end of the day

Remember the days when the sun shone so brightly
Merry the songs, and the dancers stepp'd lightly
Laughter rang out, always fresh, always new
And each way we'd glance there were comrades so true

Silently Silently, see the leaves falling
High overhead, now hear the geese calling
The circle must turn, we must all travel on
Night it must come before we greet the dawn

Old friends and new friends, we gather this evening
To say our farewells for we soon shall be leaving
Raise up a toast as we all bid "Adieu"
For when we next meet, then shall warmth rise anew

Gently and Quietly, let the leaves fall now
Plaintive and distant, the wild geese call now
Winter must come, but so shall the spring
With the warmth and the joy that true friendship brings.