The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63784   Message #1039688
Posted By: Mark Clark
22-Oct-03 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: Fishing on Ebay & other Musical Notions
Subject: RE: Fishing on Ebay & other Musical Notions
Great analogy. Buck Perry, the father of structure fishing, discovered early on that 90% of the water in a lake contains no fish. Fish don't just swim around in open water, they have a “home,” the deepest part of the lake, and they follow natural routes marked by bottom structure. As most of us have probably discovered, the same is true of eBay and the whole Internet… 90% of the water contains no fish.

Since Perry's pioneering work was done before high-tech locaters were available, he had to design his own tools and methods for understanding a lake's structure and quickly eliminating the unproductive spots. Perry enjoyed finding lakes that no longer produced any fish for the local fishermen, who thought they knew the lake, and bringing in a boatload of record sized fish in a relatively short time.

Google and similar tools help us eliminate the areas of the Internet that contain no fish but what about making music? What tools will help eliminate the unproductive areas?

      - Mark