The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63694   Message #1040031
Posted By: Mark Clark
22-Oct-03 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Explaining the 'right-wing power grab'
Subject: RE: BS: Explaining the 'right-wing power grab'
LH, You are correct as usual. Almost as soon as I submitted that post I realized I probably should have said progressives. You picked up on what I meant… that liberals are the centrists, not the leftists. And the neocons aren't really conservatives, they're facists. The problem is a lot of thoughtful conservatives think they're Bushites just because the Bushites use the term.

Bobert, I wouldn't equate activism with liberalism. Activism is simply getting off one's duff to effect change, whatever one's political leanings.

      - Mark