The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63319   Message #1040388
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
23-Oct-03 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: Punch the Horse October Fest
Subject: RE: Punch the Horse October Fest
El-As far as I know, the Polar Bear, still have there open mic/musicians night thing on a Wednesday, in fact Steve Noreeko was in the paper a couple of weeks plugging it, I am not aware of any other sessions at the Polar Bear.
Polar Bear is now owned by same geezer that owns the Marlborough Club, he also owns The Grafton.
I'm sure their wensday night thing is still going, as he showed me some flyers that he was distributing to promote the music night there, unless you know different?
[This was last thursday, he showed me the flyers].