The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62218   Message #1041370
Posted By: hobbitwoman
24-Oct-03 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Want to meet someone?
Subject: RE: BS: Want to meet someone?
Oh, my - what an interesting thread!! How did I miss the beginning of this one back in August?

Just for the record, I'm female (well I guess that might be kind of obvious) and darn near 50, I've been single for 13 years now and loving loving loving it - and I am blown away by all the guys who have said, in one way or another, never trust a guy who doesn't like cats, b/c that's been my theory for a long time now and I wasn't aware others felt the same way - especially guys! Of course this is a bit of an issue in my house, as my son professes to "hate" my cat but I think this is just a bit of false-macho bravado left over from his high school days. That being said, the cat does tend to give him a wide berth, unless he's just come from Burger King with take-out.

Well, I've already forgotten what all I was going to say - oh, recently I added some "interests" to an online profile of mine, and left my instant messenger open to all - and was besieged by 30 something males hitting on me! This seriously freaked me out. I kept pointing out to these young whippersnappers that I was OLD but they seemed not to care. Finally had to shut the durn thing down. Jeesh - I'm already doing laundry for one 27 year old - if I'd wanted more than one kid, I'd have had more than one! No offense intended to any 30 somethings out there, but as for me, *if* I was going to have a relationship, I would want it to be w/ someone who remembered the things I remember - like Woodstock and man walking on the moon - and hasn't just read about them in history class.

Oh, and lately I've been letting my hair grow, and I'm tentatively planning a trip to Maine in the spring w/ my cousin & her husband. :o) Does that about cover it? Well, anyway, it's been pleasant reading for a Friday evening! :o)
