The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12908   Message #104161
Posted By: bbc
12-Aug-99 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern - Round 6
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Round 6
Oh, Dave, you're a bad one! PJ'll get you for that! Hey, Mick, good to see you! I didn't know you liked Korean food! I'll bring your bibim bap right over. Like a little kimchi on the side? Did you know I lived in Korea for a year? Come over to my house sometime & I'll make you my homestyle bulgogi & kim bap. Just let me know when. Better get your second lesson from Doug on listening, Mick. That didn't go too well w/ alison!

Is catspaw still in here? I guess I need to have another word with him. There were no witnesses to that supposed jello pit encounter. It's his word against mine. Who're you going to believe? OK, that's a free drink for MM & Dave. How about the rest of you? Oh, & about that 'possum, I guess he just needs a name & maybe an email address to join? What do you think?

Boy, tough day! LEJ had me in the back room, going through inventory. It's a real hassle to keep track of stuff, when you keep as large a stock of food & drink as we do here! Yep, Mick, your second order of bibim bap is coming right out. For you non-Korean folks, "bap" means rice.

Everybody ok? I'm about to go off-shift. See you tomorrow!