The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63931   Message #1042064
Posted By: AggieD
26-Oct-03 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chance meetings in foreign parts
Subject: RE: BS: Chance meetings in foreign parts
A few years ago we went to North Carolina for a family wedding on my husband's side of the family, taking the opportunity to have a holiday there as well. I also have a cousin who lives in NC,& we were planning to visit him & his wife later in our holiday.

We were planning to visit a large house, who's name escapes me for the moment, but I was feeling very poorly having got a flu type bug & the last thing I wanted to do was wander round some hot old house.(It was during August & boy does it get hot & humid in NC at that time of year). So we decided to visit Chimney Rock, where they filmed part of the film 'Last of the Mohicans' & nearby Lake Lure where 'Dirty Dancing' was filmed (I used to like Patrick Swayze!).

To cut a long story short, we were just about to come down off the Rock, & have a walk around, when my husband nudged me & pointed to a chap who had just climbed up onto the rock & pointed out that he looked a lot like my cousin. I just yelled 'but that is Jonathan!'

Not only were he & his wife visiting the Rock at exactly the same time as us, but they had been contacted by another of my cousins & his wife from the UK who were visiting friends in Kentucky at the time, & decided on a whim to drive over to see our mutual cousins from NC & they all came up to the Rock for a weekend. Boy did we have a good time that night when we all went out to dinner together. None of us could believe the coincidence that 2 sets of cousins from the UK had met a 3rd set from the US on top of Chimney Rock at precisely the same time. If we'd planned it we couldn't have arranged it better.